
您所在的位置:网站首页 fuser 安装 [Psmisc]分享一个Linux实用性命令工具


2024-07-16 10:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

安装: yum install –y psmisc 离线包安装下载链接 https://developer.aliyun.com/packageSearch?word=psmisc

此工具常用3个管理命令: 1、 pstree 以树状形式显示当前用户下正在运行的进程,用法: Usage: pstree [ -a ] [ -c ] [ -h | -H PID ] [ -l ] [ -n ] [ -p ] [ -g ] [ -u ] [ -A | -G | -U ] [ PID | USER ] pstree -V Display a tree of processes. -a, --arguments show command line arguments -A, --ascii use ASCII line drawing characters -c, --compact don’t compact identical subtrees -h, --highlight-all highlight current process and its ancestors -H PID, –highlight-pid=PID highlight this process and its ancestors -g, --show-pgids show process group ids; implies -c -G, --vt100 use VT100 line drawing characters -l, --long don’t truncate long lines -n, --numeric-sort sort output by PID -N type, –ns-sort=type sort by namespace type (ipc, mnt, net, pid, user, uts) -p, --show-pids show PIDs; implies -c -s, --show-parents show parents of the selected process -S, --ns-changes show namespace transitions -u, --uid-changes show uid transitions -U, --unicode use UTF-8 (Unicode) line drawing characters -V, --version display version information -Z, –security-context show SELinux security contexts PID start at this PID; default is 1 (init) USER show only trees rooted at processes of this user 例如使用 pstree –a 显示所有进程的子进程 使用 pstree –p 显示所有进程及其子进程的pid 树状显示指定的主进程及其子进程

2、fuser 用法: Usage: fuser [-fMuvw] [-a|-s] [-4|-6] [-c|-m|-n SPACE] [-k [-i] [-SIGNAL]] NAME… fuser -l fuser -V Show which processes use the named files, sockets, or filesystems. -a,–all display unused files too -i,–interactive ask before killing (ignored without -k) -k,–kill kill processes accessing the named file -l,–list-signals list available signal names -m,–mount show all processes using the named filesystems or block device -M,–ismountpoint fulfill request only if NAME is a mount point -n,–namespace SPACE search in this name space (file, udp, or tcp) -s,–silent silent operation -SIGNAL send this signal instead of SIGKILL -u,–user display user IDs -v,–verbose verbose output -w,–writeonly kill only processes with write access -V,–version display version information -4,–ipv4 search IPv4 sockets only -6,–ipv6 search IPv6 sockets only

reset options

udp/tcp names: [local_port][,[rmt_host][,[rmt_port]]] 举例:想停止某个进程但发现有很多子进程的情况下,可以通过停止主进程使用的端口,达到停止进程的目的。还有个情况就是如果重装某个软件,启动时候,提示已存在进程或者端口被占用,那么可以使用 fuser –k port/tcp 停止相关占用端口的进程,如 fuser –k 80/tcp ; 如通过杀掉10050端口停止zabbix-server进程占用端口 fuser -k 10050/tcp 可以发现10050端口已经停止了!

3、killall 命令,用法: [root@zbx34 ~]# killall --help Usage: killall [-Z CONTEXT] [-u USER] [ -eIgiqrvw ] [ -SIGNAL ] NAME… killall -l, --list killall -V, --version -e,–exact require exact match for very long names -I,–ignore-case case insensitive process name match -g,–process-group kill process group instead of process -y,–younger-than kill processes younger than TIME -o,–older-than kill processes older than TIME -i,–interactive ask for confirmation before killing -l,–list list all known signal names -q,–quiet don’t print complaints -r,–regexp interpret NAME as an extended regular expression -s,–signal SIGNAL send this signal instead of SIGTERM -u,–user USER kill only process(es) running as USER -v,–verbose report if the signal was successfully sent -V,–version display version information -w,–wait wait for processes to die -Z,–context REGEXP kill only process(es) having context (must precede other arguments) 举例:杀掉zabbix_server进程 Psmisc工具相对来比系统默认自带的命令会比较方便,停止进程不必一个一个的杀掉pid,更多的功能大家可以自行拓展。





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